How does the location of a young person influence their engagement with voluntary organisations as an agent of socialisation and in turn impact on the political socialisation of that young person.

A case study of Youth Work Ireland

  • Danielle Gayson University College Cork
Keywords: socialization, young people, agents, voluntary


This research project aims to explore the link between involvement in a voluntary youth organisation and levels of political engagement as well as the influence of location on this relationship. The Belgian Political Participation Index will be discussed and will form the basis of our analysis. A case study approach was adopted for this research to provide rounded, detailed illustrations of first-hand experiences. For the participants of this project political engagement is not about the activities undertaken but rather about the issues which they support or are passionate about. The activities are a secondary thought to represent their passion. Therefore, it is possible to hypothesise that Youth Work Ireland as a representation of youth voluntary organisations, acts as an agent of socialisation to support young people in their political development, it is also evident that the location of both the young people and organisations can influence this development both positively and negatively.
